The following steps demonstrate how to create an InfoCube, the fact table and associated dimension tables, for the sales data shown in Table 1.4.
Work Instructions
Step 1.
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Step 2.
Enter a name and a description, select the option Basic Cube in block InfoCube type, and then click
An InfoCube can be a basic cube, a multi-cube, an SAP remote cube, or a general remote cube.
A basic cube has a fact table and associated dimension tables, and it contains data. We are building a basic cube.
A multi-cube is a union of multiple basic cubes and/or remote cubes to allow cross-subject analysis. It does not contain data. See Chapter 8, Aggregates and Multi-Cubes, for an example.
A remote cube does not contain data; instead, the data reside in the source system. A remote cube is analogous to a channel, allowing users to access the data using BEx. As a consequence, querying the data leads to poor performance.
If the source system is an SAP system, we need to select the option SAP RemoteCube. Otherwise, we need to select the option Gen. Remote Cube. This book will not discuss remote cubes.
Step 3.
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Step 4.
Click ,
BW automatically assigns technical names to each dimension with the format <InfoCube name><Number starting from 1>.
Fixed dimension <InfoCube name><P|T|U> is reserved for Data Packet, Time, and Unit. Section 12.2.3, “Data Load Requests,” discusses the Data Packet dimension.
A dimension uses a key column in the fact table. In most databases, a table can have a maximum of 16 key columns. Therefore, BW mandates that an InfoCube can have a maximum of 16 dimensions: three are reserved for Data Packet, Time, and Unit; the remaining 13 are left for us to use.
Step 5.
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Step 6.
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Step 7.
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Step 8.